Bridging In Vitro Data to Clinical Outcomes with MetID
(MAR 8, 2022)
Profiling, characterising, and identifying metabolites are key steps in supporting drug discovery and development of novel compounds. Metabolite identification (MetID) studies help you to understand presence of potential active or reactive metabolites and observe the unique metabolites in your compound to better understand your molecule’s biotransformation capabilities. SEKISUI XenoTech and Agilex Biolabs’ combination of in-depth scientific knowledge in drug metabolism and mass spectrometry, extensive pharmaceutical industry experiences, and advanced software, can quickly identify metabolites in both in vivo and in vitro samples and help accelerate sponsors’ drug development programs through FIH clinical trials.
Key discussions:
• How to improve bioanalytical clinical outcomes by performing MetID characterisation.
• How metabolite characterisation helps troubleshoot problems earlier in the drug program.
• Test system selection for in vitro MetID.
• The use of MetID for tox species selection.
• Integrating MetID with your bioanalytical program and how the two corelate.
• Why metabolite characterization studies are not quantitative.
• Regulatory expectations for MetID.