Native Human Tissues

Revolutionize your research with ethically sourced and high-quality human tissues with Krishgen Biosystems! From our trusted partners, Genoskin and Novabiosis, explore a diverse range of tissues to meet your specific research needs, from live and functional skin models to frozen tissue samples spanning various organs and anatomical regions.

Our comprehensive offerings empower you to:

  • Conduct accurate in vitro modeling for drug discovery, disease research, and personalized medicine.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of human biology and physiology.
  • Develop and test new therapies with enhanced precision and efficiency.

Our principal partners provide:

  • Unmatched quality and ethical sourcing practices.
  • Diverse tissue types to suit your specific research area.
  • Expert support to guide your research journey.

Benefits of Native Human Tissues:

  • Unparalleled In Vitro Models: Native human tissues offer the closest representation of human biology for in vitro research, leading to highly translatable results.
  • Disease Modelling: Study specific diseases in a controlled environment with relevant human tissue models.
  • Drug Discovery & Development: Evaluate potential drugs on human tissues for better prediction of efficacy and safety.
More about our Principal Partner:

Genoskin specializes in procuring and processing high-quality, ethically sourced human tissues from consenting donors, ensuring researchers have access to a diverse range of tissues for their studies.

They provides a unique range of human skin platforms for reliable first-in-human testing purposes. As opposed to animal skin or engineered models, all our models only contain real human skin that is kept alive for 7 days after surgery, thanks to our proprietary technology. This approach allows for a full week of testing opportunities on all the types of cells and appendages of real, live human skin – simultaneously.

More about our Principal Partner:

Novabiosis offers both fresh and frozen full thickness human tissues. It focuses on cryopreservation and viability optimization of native human tissues, providing researchers with well-preserved tissues suitable for a variety of research applications.

This high-quality skin tissue, recovered from abdomen, thighs, or lower back; offers researchers an excellent substrate for studying wound healing, skin diseases, and dermatological treatments. With its intact structure and cellular composition, fresh full thickness skin from Novabiosis enables accurate in vitro modelling, allowing researchers to develop and test new therapies with enhanced precision.

Benefits of Native Human Tissues:

Tissues available from Genoskin
  • NativeSkin: NativeSkin models offer live human skin models made from donated biopsies. These models, kept alive in a special matrix, provide researchers with a predictive and efficient way to study human skin response, with various formats available to suit specific research needs.

  • HypoSkin: HypoSkin is the only live human skin model for studying the effects of under-the-skin injections. These patented models use donated biopsies with all three skin layers, kept alive for a realistic human response.

  • InflammaSkin: Genoskin’s InflammaSkin® model, a human T cell-driven skin inflammation model, utilizes NativeSkin® technology. This model allows researchers to evaluate both preventative and therapeutic treatments for psoriasis, including topical drugs and injectable biologics.

Tissues available from Novabiosis
  • Fresh Full Thickness Skin: By providing fresh, full-thickness skin that retains its original structure and cellular makeup, Novabiosis enables researchers to create highly accurate in vitro models. This allows for the development and testing of new therapies with a higher degree of precision.

  • Frozen Full Thickness Skin: Novabiosis’ frozen full-thickness skin retains integrity and viability, enabling long-term storage and versatile research. From drug screening to skin physiology studies, these high-quality samples provide researchers with reliable and reproducible results.

  • Skeletal Muscle: Novabiosis provides ethically sourced skeletal muscle tissue, a valuable tool for studying muscle biology and disease. These tissues retain their natural structure and function, allowing researchers to accurately model muscle development, disease mechanisms, and potential therapies.

  • Frozen Tissues: Novabiosis’ diverse frozen tissue bank, spanning organs and anatomical regions, empowers researchers with a one-stop resource for various studies. From cancer biology to tissue regeneration, these ethically sourced, high-quality tissues offer the flexibility to tackle a multitude of research questions.

  • Adipose Tissue: Novabiosis offers high-quality adipose tissue samples, a valuable resource for researchers studying adipocyte biology and metabolic diseases like obesity and diabetes. These tissues allow investigation into energy homeostasis, hormone regulation, and inflammation, all critical areas for metabolic health research.

Want to learn more about these tissues? Reach out to our Product Manager.