Pharma / Biopharma (QC/IPQC) Quality Control

Mycoplasma Detection and Removal Tools

Precise mycoplasma detection tools including ELISA and PCR.

Endotoxin Control and Testing Reagents

Precise endotoxin control reagents, purification test and others.

dsRNA J2 and K1 ELISA

Precise dsRNA J2 and K1 ELISA kits for accurate measurement of double-stranded RNA in various viral studies and antiviral therapy development.

Host Cell Protein ELISA

Comprehensive range of Host Cell Protein ELISA kits, ensuring precise quantification of residual host cell proteins in biopharmaceutical products.


Accurate Host Cell DNA ELISA kits, enabling accurate measurement of residual host cell DNA in biopharmaceuticals, ensuring product safety and regulatory adherence.

Other Contamination Detection ELISA

Kits for detecting diverse contaminants beyond mycoplasma, endotoxins and host cell contamination, ensuring comprehensive quality control in biopharmaceutical production.

PCR Detection Tools

Advanced PCR detection tools, ensuring accurate and sensitive detection of nucleic acids for research and diagnostic applications.


Reliable bioassays for precise analysis of biological samples, supporting research and diagnostic applications.

Drug Residue ELISA

Wide range of precise detection and quantification tools for drug residues estimation in various samples for food safety and environmental monitoring applications.